A divorce and a property settlement are two different legal processes. A property settlement is the formal division of property, interests and financial resources following a couple separating. Discussions regarding the division of assets can occur as soon as a couple separates. The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) provides that parties have twelve (12) months from…Read more
There are countless times when people have said to me that their understanding is as soon as two people are together for two years, they are obligated to split their net assets in half if they separate. Other people have said to me, “I have been dating X for two years so now I am…Read more
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. They are all here to stay. But what role do they play in separation and do people create problems by not fully thinking about the consequences of posting? A few questions constantly plague the mind of a family law solicitor. Why people cannot appreciate the pitfalls in social media is one. Take…Read more
A Respectful Separation – Possible or Myth Divorce can be very hard on some people and the process is often complicated with other responsibilities such as managing social relationships which were previously managed in the context of a couple. Children can complicate the process even further emotionally and financially as often, despite the best efforts…Read more